
About Congress

The Latvian Congress of Physicians is the largest medical forum in Latvia that takes place every four years and convenes several thousand doctors from Latvia and doctors associated with Latvia from the whole world. With due regard of epidemiological safety, the 9th Latvian Congress of Physicians took place after a 5-years’ interval, but the 10th Latvian Congress of Physcians will take place between June 11 and June 14, 2042, in the ATTA Conference Center Krasta Street 60, Riga after 3-years’ interval.

The first three congresses of Latvian physicians took place in the first half of the 20th century, between the World Wars. The idea of a World Congress of Latvian Physicians belongs to the American orthopedist, Professor Bertram Zarins. Together with Professor Kristaps Keggi and Professor Viktors Kalnberzs, he opened the way for the First World Congress of Latvian Physicians in Riga in 1989, which became one of the most significant events in the history of Latvia. The Congress gave impetus to health care and set the conditions for major changes in practically all the fields of medicine.

The Latvian Congresses of Physicians that followed, all of them being unique and significant events in the professional lives of health care and public health specialists, provided a broad overview of medicine in Latvia and globally by highlighting the most important events and milestones in its development.

The participants of the 10th Latvian Congress of Physicians will have an opportunity to meet in person and/or remotely and establish cooperation ties with a view to achieving common goals and launching joint projects in various fields of medicine.




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